Social media is an integral part of any modern marketing strategy. Creating social media content is quite challenging. With nearly five billion active users across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, social media offers tremendous opportunities to connect with your target audience.

However, more than simply having social media accounts is required. To capitalize on social media, you must create content that engages your followers and compels them to act, whether interacting with your posts, visiting your website, or purchasing.

Here are ten tips to help you create more engaging social media content:

1. Know Your Audience for Social Media Content

The foundation of great social media content is understanding your target audience. Study your existing followers and customers. What type of content do they engage with most? What are their interests, pain points, and goals? Tailor your content to your audience’s preferences to boost engagement.

For example, if your audience responds well to behind-the-scenes footage, share more Instagram Stories showing your product development process. Create tutorials and how-to videos if your audience wants tips to improve their skills. Align your content with what your audience wants to see.

2. Humanize Your Brand

Social media allows you to add personality to your brand. Share photos and videos from company events and introduce your team members. Celebrate company milestones and achievements to showcase company culture. Audiences connect more with real people rather than faceless corporations. Humanizing your brand makes you more relatable, approachable, and trustworthy.

For example, showcase employee spotlights, share team pictures from offsite meetings, or post Stories during company events. Giving followers an inside look helps them feel more connected to you.

3. Post Various Content Formats

While images and text reign on social media, videos, live videos, Stories, carousels, and other formats are gaining traction, posting diverse content keeps your audience engaged as it adds visual variety to their feed. Match content formats to different platforms. Post square 1:1 images and Stories on Instagram, longer videos on YouTube and Facebook, carousels on Twitter, and live videos on LinkedIn.

Experiment with different formats and see which performs best. Use analytics to double down on what works.

4. Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) from customers and fans lets you incorporate organic, authentic content. UGC performs exceptionally well since it comes directly from your community. Share user reviews, testimonials, photos featuring your product, and repost content mentioning your brand. Ask followers to tag you in their posts. Running contests for UGC is an easy way to gather branded content.

Remember to ask for permission before reposting others’ content. Give proper attribution to boost brand love and encourage more UGC.

5. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing is an impactful way to expand your reach. Partnering with industry influencers allows you to tap into their engaged follower base. Identify influencers who create content relevant to your brand and have an audience demographic aligned with yours. Reach out for promotions like sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways, and social takeovers.

Influencers bring their unique brand voice and credibility that attracts their loyal following to engage with their content – and yours.

6. Get Visual

Visual content is irresistible on social media. Photos, videos, Stories, live videos, carousels, and graphics grab attention and stop the scroll. High-quality, eye-catching visuals should take center stage in your content mix. Ensure adequate lighting, appealing compositions, and engaging captions.

Tools like Canva, Over, and Adobe Creative Cloud Express make it easy to create polished graphics. Invest in visual content for maximum impact.

7. Optimize for Mobile

Social media is a primarily mobile experience. Most engagement happens on smartphones and tablets. Make sure all your content is mobile-friendly. Use vertical video formats that fill mobile screens. Check that graphics and text are kept on mobile. Pay attention to aspect ratios suitable for different platforms. Mobile-first design improves the visibility and consumption of your content. Review content previews on mobile before publishing. A stellar desktop post can flop on mobile.

8. Post Consistently

Consistently posting content keeps your brand top of mind. Follow a content calendar to maintain regular interactions across networks. Posting 1-2 times daily on each platform is ideal for most brands. Schedule some evergreen content in advance for periods when creating new content is difficult. Consistent posting establishes expectations so followers routinely check for your content. Staying present through regular content is critical for social media success.

9. Respond to Followers

Social media facilitates two-way conversations between brands and audiences. Make time to respond to comments, questions, and mentions. Reply to followers’ comments with personalized responses. Thank people for tagging you. Answer common questions publicly so everyone benefits. Direct message followers as needed for private inquiries.

Responding quickly and thoughtfully improves brand sentiment. It shows you value your community and care about satisfying their needs.

10. Analyze and Refine

Examine social media analytics regularly. Look at your best and worst-performing content across platforms. Find out when your followers are most active. Use these insights to fine-tune your strategy. Do more of what delivers results and less of what doesn’t resonate. Stay on top of changing platform algorithms.

Continual analysis and refinement will maximize your content’s reach and engagement. Your learnings can help focus your efforts and budget on tactics that work.

Key Takeaways

  1. Know your target audience and create content tailored to their interests
  2. Humanize your brand by showcasing company culture and behind-the-scenes
  3. Diversify your content formats using photos, videos, Stories, live videos, carousels, and more
  4. Incorporate user-generated content and influencer collaborations
  5. Focus on high-quality, visually compelling content
  6. Optimize content for seamless mobile viewing experiences
  7. Maintain a consistent posting schedule
  8. Interact with your followers through responses and engagement
  9. Analyze performance data to refine your social media strategy

By keeping these tips in mind, you can develop fun, appealing social media content that engages your audience and accomplishes your marketing goals. Experiment to discover what resonates best with your community. You can build lasting connections with your followers with compelling content and interactions.


Q 1. What Type of Social Media Content is most engaging?

The most engaging types of social media content typically include:

Visual content – Photos, videos, Stories, live videos, infographics, and other visuals that catch the eye.

Interactive content – Polls, quizzes, surveys, contests, AR filters, games, and other content that gets followers actively involved.

Educational content – How-tos, list posts, guides, tips, behind-the-scenes, and other informative content people want to learn from.

Entertaining content – Funny/viral videos, amusing observations, witty captions, entertaining Stories, and lighthearted posts that make people smile.

UGC (User-Generated Content) – User-generated content like reviews, testimonials, and user photos featuring your product. Highly authentic.

Timely content – Content about holidays, events, awareness days, and topics relevant to current events that are topical and strike an emotional chord.

Q 2. What are the four most important factors when creating social media messages?

The four main factors to keep in mind when creating social media messages are:

  • Relevance – Content should directly relate to your products, services, and target audience interests.
  • Value – Offer helpful information, education, entertainment, or another form of matter. Please don’t make it solely promotional.
  • Personality – Inject your brand’s personality and voice to form connections.
  • Actionability – Include a clear call-to-action so followers know any next steps you want them to take.

Remembering these factors ensures your messages align with your brand and business objectives.

Q 3. What are some common mistakes brands make with their social strategies?

Common social media mistakes include:

  1. Not having a consistent brand voice and tone
  2. Posting without a content strategy or calendar
  3. Ignoring or neglecting to respond to followers
  4. Putting too much focus on sales pitches and ads
  5. Overusing stock images versus custom graphics
  6. Not optimizing content for mobile
  7. Failure to analyze efforts and pivot as needed
  8. Lack of integration between social and overall marketing

Q 4. How can I make my social media content more visually appealing?

Tips for more visually compelling content:

  1. Use high-quality, relevant images and video
  2. Create custom-branded graphics, animations, and illustrations
  3. Ensure proper lighting, framing, and editing
  4. Use appealing colour palettes
  5. Include text overlays for context
  6. Invest in graphical social media templates
  7. Experiment with different photo styles and angles
  8. Use platforms like Canva to create professional graphics
  9. Add visual variety through carousels, slideshows, and Stories
  1. What should I do if my social media engagement could be higher?

If engagement is low, try:

  1. Analyzing your audience and content performance to realign
  2. Posting more regularly and consistently
  3. Responding to comments and questions
  4. Running contests, promotions, and giveaways
  5. Trying new content formats like video or live video
  6. Following and interacting with others in your niche
  7. Refining social media ad targeting
  8. Incorporating more UGC (user-generated content)
  9. Asking followers questions to spark discussions
